World in Crisis (Booklet)


World in Crisis (Booklet)


So many people misunderstand the Bible. It is not just an old book talking about the past. The Bible is our living history and clearly foretells the immediate future of Britain, Europe, Israel and much of the world. It is intended as a guide book to enable us to live successfully in this troubled world today.

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As I will show you in this booklet, the world is in its greatest crisis ever. Politicians have failed to find the answers and actually make matters worse. Recent history often discredits past politicians and shows how their decisions, with hindsight, were disastrously wrong. Too often they lied to us, not willing to trust us with the truth.

However the conclusion that I have come to after 80 plus years, is that this world is a battle ground. On one side is a God of love, who not only created us for a purpose, but was willing to sacrifice His own Son to rescue us from our own follies; on the other side is a very evil spirit, determined to control the world by subversion and encourage men to create their own destruction.

All the evil, the bad and the wickedness in the whole world comes from this one source, and has almost succeeded in dominating the world we live in and brought it to its present crisis. The devil works through various men and influences he has already put in place.

On the other side is the God who made Heaven and Earth for His pleasure and glory – in the very Garden of Eden. He has called out His servants – and forgiven their mistakes by letting His own Son take their punishment. Ultimately our God will win – and recreate the world and restore it to what He planned from the beginning.