Walking on the waters of affliction

Jesus’ disciples got into a ship, but the ship was now in the middle of the sea tossed with waves because the wind was contrary. In the fourth watch of the night Jesus went to them, walking on the sea, and when the disciples saw Him, they were troubled saying, ‘It’s a spirit!’ and they cried out for fear. But Jesus spoke to them, ‘It is I, don’t be afraid!’ Peter answered, ‘Lord, if it’s You, bid me to come to You on the water!’ And He said, ‘Come!’ When Peter had come down out of the ship he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous he was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord save me!’ (Matthew 14:22-30).

Jesus was walking on top of the stormy sea, but notice the time! Time with God is so important. If only you and I knew the time that God has chosen, it would make so much difference to us! Here it was the fourth watch in the night. This is the most dangerous and most difficult hour in the night, the time when most people die, when the body temperature is at its lowest. It’s the time when some of the biggest fears and the biggest problems come, just before the new day dawns. It is so significant that when Jesus is walking towards the disciples in that storm-tossed ship, the time that He chooses is the darkest hour, when the storm is at its highest. But Jesus is there! In your life and mine there are many times when we need the power of God to deliver us, but God’s timing is perfect, coming at the darkest hour, when the storm is at its fiercest and our need is the greatest.

I have learned after more than 70 years of ministry that God always answers prayer. And I want to encourage you. God never fails, He cannot fail. But to get the answer at the right hour we have to be ready, we have to be obedient and God will answer – at the last minute. In my life God so often answers one minute before midnight. One minute before the crisis erupts. We have many kinds of problems, many different needs, but I believe in miracles. Do you?

Every one of us can be in a storm, just like these disciples in the boat. When the disciples saw Him walking on the water their first reaction was fear, they thought they’d seen a ghost, they didn’t realise it was Jesus. They were so afraid because they were convinced their boat was going to sink, they didn’t believe they would last the night. In the darkest hour of your night, when your financial problems are the greatest, when your sickness is getting worse, when you’re crippled with pain, when you cannot escape from alcohol or the power of drugs, in that dark hour, there is one person who will always be there – Jesus. And He chooses the darkest, the hardest moment, to come and walk toward you in order that He can work your miracle.

In the darkest moment in your life, in the moment of your greatest tragedy, in the moment of your greatest suffering, when you’re hurting more than you’ve ever hurt before, Jesus is there. He’s not forgotten you, He’s walking nearer to you. Jesus said, ‘I will be with you always.’ Every day, every hour, in the middle of every storm, in the middle of every sickness, even in a hospital bed, or lying on the road as the result of a car accident, Jesus will always come. Whatever the crisis, there’s never a moment when He’s not there.

All the time that Peter’s eyes are fixed on Jesus, there’s no problem – he’s walking, he’s looking and he can see Jesus. The waves are here and the wind is behind him, but he’s looking and he can see Jesus. No fear – it’s a miracle. Interestingly, at this moment the stormy waves have become safer than the fragile security of the boat with the other disciples in it! Then suddenly, he looked down, saw the water, heard the wind – and when he took his eyes off Jesus, he began to sink. Miracles will happen in your life, but don’t take your eyes off Jesus. Keep your eyes on Jesus and all the time your eyes are on Him you’ll never sink, you’ll never go down – that’s the first miracle!

When Peter began to sink below the water he cried out, ‘Lord, save me,’ and in that exact moment, Jesus reached out His hand and lifted him. Even if for a moment you’re sinking, you’ve taken your eyes off Jesus in the middle of your miracle, Jesus will lift you – every time – if you cry out, ‘Jesus, help me.’ That’s the second miracle!