baptism of Fire

The Day of Pentecost

The Day of Pentecost

Acts Bible Study Chapter 2: ‘When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.’ This chapter marks a significant moment in the early church's history, as it describes the empowering of the disciples by the Holy Spirit and the birth of the Christian church through the preaching of the Gospel.

Jesus is so important to me

Jesus is so important to me

I want you to understand the power of prayer, and the power which Jesus has. I spent my youth searching for God, not because I was not a Christian, since I became a Christian when I was 8 years old. But when I became a Christian, I didn’t want to be a ‘normal’ Christian – I was searching for the truth, the reality, the Power and Glory of God! I wanted to find the God of the Bible, the God of Heaven, I wanted to KNOW Him! All my life I have searched for God’s Power and His Glory! It was the dream of David the shepherd boy to see the Glory of God here, on earth! It’s my dream too!

You will receive Power!

You will receive Power!

Today the Baptism of the Holy Spirit seems to have lost the significance of the Biblical experience. When people are prayed over to receive the Holy Spirit and they then speak a few words in tongues – that’s not it! Jesus said, in Acts 1:8, “You will receive POWER when the Holy Ghost comes on you!”  Do we really understand the Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

Only the Gospel can change the world

Only the Gospel can change the world

The only thing that can change the world is the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Asked to pastor a church at 18, just three months after starting Bible College, and holding my first Tent Mission a few months later, I have seen the Power of God and miracles of healing from the very beginning of my ministry. After 72 years of ministry, why do I carry on with such passion? It is because I believe that all the Power of God is in the preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! (Romans 1.16).

The latter rain of the Spirit

The latter rain of the Spirit

We need a spiritual re‐awakening! Pentecost was the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. The significant sign of the arrival of the Holy Spirit was and is speaking in tongues – and a very strong move of evangelism. We all know what happened on that first Day of Pentecost, but let’s look in Acts 2:16, where Peter speaks to the gathered crowds. Peter’s meaning and understanding of Joel and the outpouring of God’s Spirit must encompass what Joel refers to as the ‘former’ and the ‘latter’ rain!

Searching for more of the Holy Spirit

Searching for more of the Holy Spirit

If we believe we are living in the last days, we need the Holy Spirit desperately! The reason I first received the Holy Spirit was because I knew I had to preach the Gospel – with lives changed, souls saved into the Kingdom! I was searching for something which does not come from men, the real power of God. If you want to be effective in ministry, you MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit! There is a danger today that we do not understand the reality of what the baptism in the Holy Spirit means.

You will receive Power!

You will receive Power!

If you want to be effective in ministry, you MUST be filled with the Holy Spirit! There is a danger today that we do not understand the reality of what the baptism in the Holy Spirit means. In Acts 1:5 Jesus said to His disciples, “You have been baptised in water, but you’re about to be baptised in the Holy Ghost!” – It was to be the power to change their lives.

Revival and Persecution

Revival and Persecution

Revival and Persecution arrive together. What caused the early Church to expand beyond Jerusalem? How did this Pentecostal Fire 2000 years later, reach you and I? The persecution of the early church caused the greatest missionary revival ever seen. Without this persecution, the early church would’ve stayed in Jerusalem, instead it compelled it to go into all the world.