God has never been defeated!

We need a strong confident FAITH in an all‐powerful unchanging God to whom nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible! I have not yet seen the full extent of His Power and – because God has never been defeated in battle – I will not die until I have seen this unlimited power once more!!!

We as believers, as Christians are very much like the children of Israel, in this sense, that we are the only witness to the world! We are! We’ve crossed the Red Sea, we have crossed from death to life! “God, You have shown Your Power, and still today, through Christians You demonstrate, You show Your Power through miracles!” I’ll never forget what happened in the Roman Amphitheatre in Caesarea in Israel in 2016, when all the forces of the enemy were against us, trying to destroy us and stop us from having 4000 unbelieving Jews in that stadium! Having tried everything and failed, the last thing the devil threw at me, on the day, was the biggest sea and sandstorm they had ever seen on the Mediterranean. It was so strong, it made the gantry holding our sound system and cameras sway one metre each way until it was in danger of collapsing, and the police wouldn’t let the people in for fear! I jumped up on that platform and said, “O God, You’ve never ever been defeated in battle and You’re not going to be defeated now. In Jesus’ Name I command the storm to stop!” And the storm stopped! In front of 4000 unbelieving Jews! God is still demonstrating His Power today!!!

I love to preach on Deuteronomy 4 where Moses reminds the people who have come out of Egypt, saying, the greatest miracle ever seen on the face of the earth – from the beginning of time till then, from one side of the world to the other – the greatest miracle ever seen was the crossing of the Red Sea! I ask myself sometimes, which was the greater miracle, the children of Israel crossing the Red Sea on dry land, or the total destruction of the crack troops of the elite Egyptian army, chariots and horses that raced in after them – it was like drowning tanks! So here, in Numbers 14, God is saying, “I performed all these miracles and still these people don’t trust in Me.” God is always demonstrating His Power, always calling us to trust Him – and He never, ever fails!

God is calling us to trust Him!

What deeply distresses me is the failure of the Church to use and demonstrate the Power of God, which has to be in the miraculous. Why am I distressed by this? Because the enemies of Christ see a powerless Church as evidence of a powerless God! That’s why sin abounds – there is no fear of a powerless God! That’s why idolatry is taking over our land. People today are not allowed to discuss or criticise Islam. If you dishonour the ‘prophet’, you are likely to be killed by one of his devout followers. Our so‐called ‘Christian’ nation is afraid of dishonouring the ‘prophet’, but has no fear of blasphemy against our Jesus who is the Christ, THE SON OF THE ONLY TRUE AND LIVING GOD! Is this why the shortest and most memorable verse in the Bible is ‘Jesus wept’? As I write this, if tears would flow, I would weep all day and all night.

WE ARE the living EVIDENCE, we are the witness of the Power of God! YOUR life, my life is the witness, the evidence. If God can deliver me from sin, if God can deliver you from sin – God can put before you an inheritance! Come on! We’ve got to go in and POSSESS THAT LAND! Don’t stand back… So many do… But we’ve got to cross the Jordan INTO the Promised Land!

When Moses sent in the twelve spies, only two spoke in faith, “With God nothing is impossible, this is the land God has promised us, go in!” The problem was that the very generation which had seen all the miracles in Egypt had fallen so far into unbelief through different hardships along the way, they could no longer believe that the same God who had defeated the mighty Egyptian army, could just as easily defeat the smaller armies in front of them! I want you to have a bold faith in our God who has never been defeated!