God can do the impossible

All things are possible with Jesus

All things are possible with Jesus

For four days, we witnessed the mighty Power of God, not only in conversions, but also in mighty miracles of healing. Night after night, during that evangelism in Bulgaria, 1990, crutches were thrown onto the platform as people were delivered and walked out free. The blind, the deaf, the sick – all were healed. Revival swept from there – we travelled by road in broken down communist cars from church to church to church – the Power of God was falling – no time seemingly to eat, sleep or even drink a cup of tea! For two years the Holy Spirit moved across the whole of Bulgaria! Eighty new churches were opened as a direct result of that evangelism!

Led by the Lord

Led by the Lord

From childhood, I wanted every day and every part of my life to be under the direction and control of the Holy Spirit. Now when I look back over 70 years of ministry I know with absolute certainty that there has been both purpose and direction in my life. God has been in control of all my days and all my experiences. Everything that has happened in my life was foreknown in His plan.

The Power of God to deliver you

The Power of God to deliver you

I thank God for the Gospel of Jesus Christ; it is the Power of God at work, saving everyone who believes — the Jew first and also the Gentile (Romans 1.16). As I look back over my life, it is now 50 years since God miraculously released me from a communist prison — and 30 years since I evangelised in the Dynamo Stadium, in Kyiv. It was during that difficult time in the prison, God revealed Himself as my Father in a most special way; it was as if I experienced the Glory of Heaven in that prison cell.

God your deliverer

God your deliverer

We must expect God to move in Power today. In Exodus 3:2 the Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in a flame of fire in the middle of a bush. Moses was not expecting to meet with God, and he did not see Him, he simply saw a BUSH ON FIRE. If you were walking along the street, and you saw a tree on fire, you would go and look. But when Moses looked, it was not normal, the fire was in the tree, but the tree was not burnt! It was the evidence of the presence of God like burning fire!

God fulfils every promise

God fulfils every promise

God never fails! Being a believer longer than most, I’ve experienced many problems - cancer, and have spent a year in prison for the Gospel - but my testimony is: in all my life God has never failed me once. My life hasn't been easy, but He is faithful.

God has never been defeated!

God has never been defeated!

We need a strong confident FAITH in an all‐powerful unchanging God to whom nothing, absolutely nothing is impossible! I have not yet seen the full extent of His Power and – because God has never been defeated in battle – I will not die until I have seen this unlimited power once more!!!